How to Programme a Token on a Microcoin SP
Make sure your mech has power. You should see the green LED light. Next, press the button 5 times until the...
Displaying 5 blog articles tagged with "grabber crane repair".
Make sure your mech has power. You should see the green LED light. Next, press the button 5 times until the...
If your grabber crane will not take coins, the first thing to check is the wiring to the coin mech. The two most...
When a sensor is blocked, usually the crane accepts the payment for play but may show zero credit on the display and the...
If your grabber claw is continuously going up and down, it is most likely that the gantry cord is too short. Because the cord is...
If you maintain grabber crane machines, we suggest you keep spare working looms in stock so that you can swap them in to...